Bully Beauty™ LTD

Terms and Conditions

Affiliate/Partnership Terms and Conditions.

These T&Cs help ensure that both parties are clear on their rights and responsibilities, protecting our brand and ensuring the quality and integrity of the content created.
Agreement Acceptance:
By accepting the discount code and/or free products, the Content Creator acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agree to all of these terms and conditions.
License Grant: By sending us your content (pictures and videos), The Content Creator [You] grant Bully Beauty an exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, distribute, and display the content across all media platforms (including social media, websites, and marketing materials).
Attribution: The Company will credit the Content Creator where appropriate, such as by tagging or mentioning the creator’s handle on social media. This will be discussed prior to receiving content.
Discount Codes: Discount codes provided are for the Content Creator's personal use unless otherwise stated. They must not be shared publicly unless explicitly agreed upon with the Company.
Free Products: Products provided are not for resale. The Content Creator is expected to create content as agreed upon in exchange for these products.
Honest Representation: The Content Creator agrees to provide honest reviews and opinions based on their personal experience with the product. The content should not be misleading or falsely represent the product.
Disclosure: The Content Creator agrees to disclose the nature of their relationship with the Company (e.g., using terms like "gifted" or "sponsored") in compliance with applicable advertising regulations.
Confidential Information: Any information provided by the Company that is not publicly available or meant for public release should be kept confidential by the Content Creator.
Indemnification: The Content Creator agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company from any claims, damages, or losses arising from the content created, including but not limited to copyright infringement, defamation, or failure to comply with advertising regulations.

By accepting our products and/or discount codes, you (the "Content Creator") agree to the following terms and conditions set forth by Bully Beauty ("Company"). This agreement outlines the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of both parties in relation to the collaboration.
The Content Creator agrees to create and share content (e.g., Instagram posts, reels, stories) featuring our products in a positive, authentic manner.
Submission Timeline: Content must be created and published within a time agreed upon between the Company and the Content Creator.